Projects - Sajjad Ziarati



JADI Complete Design

after 3 years I've decide to work as a freelancer again so I Designed a new version of my Portfolio website, in this project I have chose to create a minimal version using typography and animation's as the Essence of it combined with new Web Design trends.

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MITI NAVI Front-end

MITI NAVI is one of my recent cooperation projects that I had a specific role as a front-end designer in, it has been chosen as SOTD and Mobile Excellence on Awwwards and Special Kudos on CSS Design Awards

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ETV Complete Design

Designing a streaming, movie/tv shows database Platform for ETV was one of my first and most challenging international projects that I had, in this Project I had the role of complete design and developing the platform using the most modern technologies and Design trends of that time.

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9MOVIE Front-end / Back-end

9movie was one of the biggest and most Popular Persian Movies,Tv shows streaming/subtitling service at the time, designing a new version of their website and forum was one of the most fun projects I had.

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Thank you for your visit! if you intreseted in my work,want to build something incredible together, wanna collaborate with me, or simply having a chat Feel free to reach out.
Huge shout out to my friend AMIN for UX shideh